"Meeting the complex software needs of project-oriented manufacturers with easy-to-use solutions is all we do. And because we spend time everyday with companies like yours, no vendor knows your business better. Which is why, even when you have mixed-mode requirements that call for ETO, MTO, MTS, ATO and BTO manufacturing, our Finesse ERP software has you covered like no one else."

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Solutions -> Software Components -> Accounting Modules -> Personnel/Payroll
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Complex functions in a simplified program.
The comprehensive Finesse Personnel/Payroll module can't solve all of your labor headaches. But it can certainly handle the complex and highly detailed functions of payroll and associated personnel issues with exceptional ease. Even better, it can help you project future needs and labor costs.

Complete in every detail.
A complete payroll calculation, distribution and human resources system, Finesse Personnel/Payroll's tight integration with General Ledger, Customer Order Entry, Manufacturing Standards and Shop Floor Control lets you accumulate and calculate detailed labor rates, commissions, taxes and distribution almost effortlessly. This alone will save you hours.

Personnel/Payroll can also track a full complement of human resource data including an organizational chart, departments and divisions, positions, benefits and deductions, skills inventory, resumes and company contributions as well as overtime, vacation, sick leave and termination codes.

Module Highlights


  • Handle multiple companies, projects, employees, banks, pay period checks, employee pay/jobs, applications

  • Handle unlimited employee taxes and benefits

  • User-defined data

  • Job costing

  • Breakdown information and report on time frames including ITD/YTD/QTD/PTD

  • Incorporates organization chart


  • Detail, pinpoint, scroll and summary inquiries


  • Report writer provides all standard reports in multiple formats

  • History, pre-check edit and benefit/deduction reports


  • Tax authority reporting

  • Tax tables and allowances

  • Pretax and posttax benefits and transactions


  • Batch, company and contract control

  • Definable check stock

  • Manual and auto onetime checks

  • Voided checks

  • Phase-in rates and accounting

  • Max number and amount of benefits

  • Bank reconciliation

  • Labor rate and accounting table


  • Benefits/deductions

  • Pay check adjustments

  • Overtime transactions

  • Same pay period splits

  • Salary, hourly, unit and commission calculations


  • Changes and transaction audit analysis

  • Government reporting/compliance analysis

  • Company contributions

  • Regular, vacation, overtime, sick codes and analysis

  • Termination codes


  • Assignable and budgeted positions

  • Department and division classifications

  • Skills inventory

  • Job and entity labor classes and distribution


A complete, accurate view of time worked.
If you could handle payroll automatically while saving time and increasing accuracy, wouldn't you do it? Done.

An integral subsystem of Finesse Personnel/Payroll, Time and Attendance monitors personnel production and actual hours worked, allowing your Finesse system to automatically create your payroll transactions and update job cost statistics.

Improved analysis, no matter how you look at it.
Because all Finesse modules are integrated, Time and Attendance can quickly access Shop Floor Control information and compare scheduled hours with clock-in, clock-out and earned time versus actual time. This also makes it easy to analyze your overhead with data the system accumulates. And work schedules, holidays and compensation may be defined by individual, department, division, plant, company or any other entity you specify so you can easily manage your most valuable assets...your human resources.

Module Highlights


  • Employees and shifts as well as shift differentials

  • Start/end break time

  • Compensation and rates

  • Double overtime limits

  • Employee shift calendar and holiday schedules


  • Clock-in and out time

  • Shift plan start time


  • Shift calendar override

  • Auto create payroll transactions

  • Foreman adjustment

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